Affiliate Disclosure

Last updated: [3rd February, 2024]

At “Health Pe Charcha”, our mission is to provide valuable, informative, and engaging content related to health and wellness. We are dedicated to helping you make informed decisions about your health, fitness, and overall well-being. To support the creation and maintenance of our website, we occasionally engage in affiliate marketing, which allows us to earn a commission on certain products or services we recommend to our readers. This affiliate disclosure is designed to be transparent about our use of affiliate links and to explain how they may impact you as a visitor to our website.

What Are Affiliate Links?

Affiliate links are unique URLs provided to us by companies that offer affiliate programs. These programs allow us to earn a commission when you, as a reader of our blog, click on these links and make a purchase or take another action (such as signing up for a newsletter or filling out a contact form) on the linked website. The use of affiliate links does not increase the cost of the product or service you choose to purchase.

Why Do We Use Affiliate Links?

Running and maintaining a high-quality website like “Health Pe Charcha” requires resources, including time and money. Affiliate marketing is one way we can offset some of these costs and continue providing you with valuable content free of charge. We want to be upfront about our use of affiliate links, as transparency is a fundamental principle of our approach to blogging and content creation.

Our Approach to Affiliate Marketing

  1. Relevance: We only recommend products or services that we believe may be relevant and valuable to our readers based on our expertise in the health and wellness field. Our primary goal is to provide you with helpful and trustworthy information.
  2. Honesty: Our recommendations are based on our honest assessment of a product’s or service’s quality, features, and benefits. We do not promote products solely for the sake of earning a commission.
  3. Transparency: We are committed to being transparent about our affiliate relationships and disclosing them clearly in our content. Whenever you encounter an affiliate link on our website, you will find a disclosure statement nearby, so you are aware of the affiliate relationship.

Impact on You

It’s important to understand that clicking on an affiliate link on our website and making a purchase or taking another action may result in us earning a commission. However, this will not affect the cost of the product or service you choose to purchase. The price remains the same whether you use our affiliate link or not.

Additionally, our use of affiliate links does not influence our content or recommendations. We maintain our editorial independence and integrity in creating our content. Our recommendations are based on our honest evaluation of products and services, and we aim to provide you with the most accurate and unbiased information possible.

Affiliate Programs We Participate In

We participate in various affiliate programs, and the specific programs we are affiliated with may change over time. Some of the affiliate programs we currently engage with include but are not limited to:

  • Amazon Affiliate Program

Please note that this list may not be exhaustive, and we may establish new affiliate partnerships in the future.

Your Choice and Control

Your experience on our website is important to us, and we respect your choices. If you prefer not to use our affiliate links, you can often find the same products or services by directly visiting the company’s website or conducting your online search. Our goal is to provide you with useful information, and we want you to feel comfortable navigating our website in the way that suits you best.


We value your trust and strive to maintain the highest standards of integrity and transparency in our blogging and affiliate marketing practices. Our use of affiliate links is one of the ways we can continue offering you valuable health and wellness content without charging for access. We appreciate your support and encourage you to reach out if you have any questions or concerns regarding our affiliate disclosure or any other aspect of our website.

If you have any questions or comments regarding our affiliate disclosure, please feel free to contact us at [].

Thank you for being a valued reader of “Health Pe Charcha”.