Can Nails Show Pregnancy?

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Can Nails Show Pregnancy? Image of Hand nails and pregnant woman

Pregnancy is an exhilarating journey filled with anticipation and curiosity. As prospective parents eagerly await the confirmation of this life-changing event, various signs are scrutinized for clues. While traditional indicators like missed periods and morning sickness are well-known, an unexpected question often arises: Can nails show pregnancy?

Can Nails Show Pregnancy?

Yes, nails can sometimes show changes that are associated with pregnancy. During pregnancy, hormonal changes can affect the growth and texture of a woman’s nails. Some women may notice that their nails grow faster and become stronger, while others might experience more brittle or softer nails. These changes are typically due to increased levels of hormones like estrogen and progesterone.

5 Changes Have Been Seen During Pregnancy

The increased blood circulation and metabolism during pregnancy can also contribute to changes in nail growth. Some women may notice the following changes during pregnancy.

  1. Faster Nail Growth: Many women experience faster nail growth during pregnancy.
  2. Nail Strength: Nails can either become stronger or, conversely, more brittle and prone to breakage.
  3. Changes in Nail Texture: Some women notice changes in the texture of their nails, such as them becoming more grooved or rigid.
  4. Nail Discoloration: There might be slight changes in nail color, which is usually not a cause for concern.
  5. Vertical Ridges on Nails: These are common and can become more prominent during pregnancy.

It’s important to note that these changes in nails during pregnancy, are not definitive signs of pregnancy and can also be influenced by other factors such as diet, health conditions, and overall nail care. If you’re trying to determine that you’re pregnant, it’s best to take a pregnancy test or consult with a healthcare provider.

If there are significant concerns about nail changes or if they are accompanied by other symptoms, it’s advisable to consult a healthcare professional.

How Do Nails Reflect Health?

Before delving into the connection between nails and pregnancy, it’s crucial to understand how nails can be a mirror of one’s overall health. Nails, composed of a protein called keratin, can manifest changes in response to internal and external factors. Conditions such as nutritional deficiencies, hormonal imbalances, and even stress can leave imprints on our nails.

a hand showing finger nails

Nails can be a surprisingly useful indicator of your overall health. Changes in the nails can signal various health issues, ranging from minor nutritional deficiencies to more serious conditions.

6 Nail Changes Indicate Health Problems

The changes in nails indicate some deficiency in the body. These changes can be seen in nails while you facing some health issues:

Nail Color

  • Pale Nails: It can indicate Anemia (deficiency in iron), or liver disease.
  • White Nails: If the nails are mostly white with darker rims, this could indicate liver problems, such as hepatitis.
  • Yellow Nails: Often a sign of fungal infection, but in some cases, it might indicate a more serious condition like severe thyroid disease, lung disease, diabetes, or psoriasis.
  • Blue Nails: This can be a sign of oxygen deprivation or a lung issue, such as emphysema.

Nail Shape

  • Clubbing: Nails that curve over the tips of your fingers and the nail beds seem bulged, can be a sign of oxygen deprivation and may be associated with lung disease. It can also be related to liver or kidney disease, heart disease, or inflammatory bowel disease.
  • Spoon Nails: Soft nails that look scooped out (concave shape) can indicate iron deficiency anemia or hemochromatosis, a liver condition where your body absorbs too much iron.

Nail Texture

  • Ridges: Vertical ridges are typically a normal sign of ageing. However, horizontal ridges (Beau’s lines) can indicate stress, high fever, a serious illness, or a zinc deficiency.
  • Pitting: Small depressions or pits in the nails can be a sign of psoriasis, connective tissue disorder, or alopecia areata.

Nail Thickness and Growth

  • Brittle Nails: This may indicate hypothyroidism or a deficiency in vitamins and minerals.
  • Slow-growing Nails: Can be associated with nutritional deficiencies or a problem with the circulatory system.

Nail Separation

Onycholysis: When nails separate from the nail bed, it can be due to injury, infection, or a reaction to a product like nail hardeners or adhesives. It can also be a sign of thyroid disease or psoriasis.

Nail and Cuticle Health

  • Cuticle Health: Damaged or infected cuticles can indicate a skin condition, infection, or poor nutritional status.
  • Hangnails: Often caused by dry skin, indicating the need for better hand and nail moisturization, but can also be a sign of vitamin C, folic acid, or protein deficiencies.

It’s important to remember that nail changes are often subtle and not usually the first sign of a health problem. Also, many nail abnormalities are harmless and not linked to any specific condition. However, if you notice significant changes in your nails, such as changes in colour, shape, texture, or thickness, it’s a good idea to consult a healthcare professional for a proper diagnosis.

7 Reasons Behind Nail Changes During Pregnancy

Nail changes during pregnancy are quite common and can be attributed to a variety of physiological and hormonal changes that occur in the body. Here are 7 key reasons behind these changes:

A pregnant lady lying on baloon chair in home

1. Hormonal Fluctuations

Pregnancy causes significant fluctuations in hormones, especially estrogen and progesterone. These hormonal changes can affect the growth and health of nails. For some women, this results in stronger, faster-growing nails, while others might experience more brittle or softer nails.

2. Increased Blood Circulation

Pregnancy significantly increases blood circulation in the body. This enhanced blood flow can stimulate nail growth. However, the increased blood volume and circulation can also lead to more noticeable veins and changes in nail colour.

3. Nutritional Demands

During pregnancy, the body’s nutritional demands increase to support the growing fetus. This change can impact nail health. For instance, a deficiency in certain nutrients like biotin, calcium, or vitamin D can lead to weaker nails or changes in nail texture.

4. Water Retention and Swelling

Pregnant women often experience increased water retention and swelling, which can also affect the nails. This can make the nails feel softer or more brittle.

5. Immune System Changes

Pregnancy involves alterations in the immune system which can affect overall skin and nail health. This might make pregnant women more susceptible to nail infections or conditions like ingrown toenails.

6. Metabolic Changes

The body’s metabolism increases during pregnancy to support fetal growth. These metabolic changes can accelerate nail growth but can also lead to changes in nail strength and texture.

7. Physical and Chemical Changes

The physical and chemical changes in the body during pregnancy can affect the protein structure of the nails, leading to altered growth patterns and textures.

How To Maintain Nail Health During Pregnancy?

Maintaining nail health during pregnancy involves a combination of good nutrition, gentle care, and being mindful of the products you use. These are the key methods to maintain your nail health during pregnancy:

Balanced Diet: Eat a well-balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals. Key nutrients for nail health include protein, biotin, vitamin C, vitamin E, zinc, calcium, and omega-3 fatty acids. Foods like lean meats, eggs, dairy products, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and leafy greens are excellent sources.

Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water. Hydration is important for overall health and can also help keep your nails and cuticles hydrated.

Gentle Nail Care:

  • Avoid harsh chemicals in nail products. Opt for nail polishes and removers that are free from harsh chemicals like formaldehyde, toluene, and dibutyl phthalate.
  • Keep your nails trimmed and filed. Shorter nails are less likely to snag and break.
  • Avoid biting your nails or picking at your cuticles.

Moisturize Your Nails and Cuticles: Use a good quality hand cream and cuticle oil to keep your nails and cuticles moisturized. This can prevent hangnails and splitting.

Wear Gloves for Protection: When doing household chores, especially those involving water or harsh cleaning products, wear gloves to protect your nails.

Avoid Artificial Nails: If possible, avoid artificial nails as they can harbour bacteria and fungi, increasing the risk of infection.

Be Cautious with Nail Treatments: If you opt for professional nail treatments, ensure that the salon follows strict hygiene practices. Also, be cautious with gel manicures as the UV light used to cure the gel can be harmful, and the removal process can be damaging to your nails.

Monitor Nail Changes: Pay attention to changes in your nails. If you notice significant changes or experience pain or swelling around your nails, consult a healthcare provider.

Supplements: If your diet lacks certain nutrients, your doctor might recommend supplements. However, always consult with your healthcare provider before starting any new supplements during pregnancy.

Reduce Stress: High stress can impact your overall health, including your nails. Practices like yoga, meditation, and adequate rest can help manage stress levels.

When To Seek Professional Guidance?

Although do-it-yourself evaluations can be fascinating, there are situations in which consulting a professional becomes essential. Extreme variations in nail texture, discolouration, or recurring problems are indications that you should see a doctor.

Medical professionals are qualified to evaluate the whole context of a possible pregnancy, integrating several elements to produce a trustworthy diagnosis.


In the quest to reveal “Can Nails Show Pregnancy?”. The answer is yes, Nails can indeed show pregnancy. It’s evident that while hormonal changes may influence nail health, relying solely on nails for confirmation is not scientifically validated. The uniqueness of each pregnancy journey and the variability of symptoms underscores the importance of a comprehensive approach to pregnancy detection.

In conclusion, while nails may provide intriguing insights, they should not be the sole basis for confirming pregnancy. Professional medical consultations, along with established pregnancy tests, offer a more reliable and accurate method of determining pregnancy status.


Can changes in nail texture alone confirm pregnancy?

No, changes in nail texture should be considered alongside other established pregnancy tests for accurate confirmation.

What role do hormones play in nail health during pregnancy?

Hormonal changes during pregnancy can influence the appearance and texture of nails, but this should not be the sole basis for confirming pregnancy.

Are there specific nail care tips for expectant parents?

Yes, maintaining a balanced diet, proper hydration, and avoiding harmful chemicals are essential for overall nail health during pregnancy.

How can one distinguish between normal nail changes and potential pregnancy indicators?

Consulting healthcare professionals is crucial for distinguishing between normal variations and signs that may warrant further investigation.

Is relying on DIY nail assessments a reliable method of confirming pregnancy?

DIY nail assessments can be intriguing but should not replace professional medical consultations and established pregnancy tests for reliable confirmation.

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